Healthcare Strategies

How to Pursue Behavioral-Physical Healthcare Integration in a VBC Framework

by Kelsey Waddill

When MetNetOne Health Solutions established roaming physician teams that would go from practice to practice to help address chronic disease management needs around two decades ago, it became apparent...

Exploring the Intersection of AI, Bias, and Value-Based Care

by Shania Kennedy

Many healthcare experts consider value-based care as a key step toward improved health outcomes and lower costs, but adoption has been slow. Research from Insights by Xtelligent Healthcare Media...

Piecing Together Strategies for Better Cancer Patient Experience

by Sara Heath

Like puzzle pieces coming together to form a picture, stakeholders from across the care continuum must come together to successfully enhance the cancer patient experience. As a team, leaders from the...

What Are Health System CEOs’ Growth Priorities in 2022?

by Anuja Vaidya

As health systems grapple with an evolving pandemic, consumer empowerment through digital tools and diversifying the workforce to care for diverse communities are at the forefront of healthcare...

AI in Healthcare Poses Algorithmic Bias, Data Privacy, Security Risks

by Jill McKeon

Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has shown the potential to revolutionize research and care delivery, but data privacy and security concerns, along with the potential for algorithmic bias,...

How Blood Testing Can Change the Future of Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention

by Kelsey Waddill

Alzheimer’s Disease prevention and identification may become more achievable with emerging solutions, according to Michael Racke, MD, Medical Director of Neurology at Quest Diagnostics. Listen...

How to Measure, Improve Strategic Primary Care Investments

by Kelsey Waddill

Strategic primary care investments—such as investing in sustainable EHR models and moving toward value-based care—can have an impact far beyond primary care services, according to Vivek...

Preparing For Growing Telehealth Fraud Enforcement

by Anuja Vaidya

As federal authorities increasingly crack down on instances of fraud and abuse within the telehealth arena, providers need to remain vigilant about their use of the care modality as regulations...

How Telehealth Legislation Will Evolve During the Pandemic & Beyond

by Anuja Vaidya

The significant spike in the use of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic was made possible by numerous legislative waivers that were quickly enacted as in-person care stalled. Two years later, many...

How In-Home Primary Care Can Lower Costs, Boost Patient Satisfaction

by Kelsey Waddill

In-home primary care differs from traditional home healthcare and it can play a unique role in ensuring quality of care and access to care at a low cost for patients, according to Chris Dodd, MD, chief...

How 360X Specifications Can Support HIE for Care Coordination

by Hannah Nelson

As the digital health transformation progresses, stakeholders are looking to well-established data standards to support health information exchange (HIE) for care coordination. Holly Miller, MD, chief...

How to Boost Virtual Care Access, Eliminate Demographic Barriers

by Kelsey Waddill

Despite a surge in virtual care utilization, virtual care access remains challenging for many individuals across the US, particularly due to cultural and geographic barriers. Adam Hornung, executive...

How Payers Can Leverage Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenomics

by Kelsey Waddill

Precision medicine and pharmacogenomics are on the rise and could unlock solutions for many of the perennial challenges in healthcare, but these fields demand a coordinated effort between payers,...

How Providers Take A Value-Based Care Approach to Chronic Disease

by Kelsey Waddill

The value-based care approach to chronic disease management relies on a committed clinical workforce, healthcare organizations have indicated. Hayden Schmidt, assistant editorial researcher at...

The Impact of the Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative on HIT Security

by Kelsey Waddill

The Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative has had a major impact on cybersecurity in healthcare since the US Department of Justice (DOJ) launched it in October 2021. Spurred to action by an influx of...

Women in Medicine Strives for Gender Equity in Clinician Workforce

by Sara Heath

Healthcare is staring down a clinician workforce and staffing crisis, a problem only exacerbated by its own gender equity issues. Prominently, women are leaving the medical workforce in droves, but...

How Cloud-Based Solutions Might Mitigate EMR Security Risks

by Jill McKeon

Electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) are essential tools that allow the electronic storage and maintenance of patient records using in-house systems or, increasingly,...

Advancing the Life Sciences: Imaging, Devices, Reproductive Health

by Kelsey Waddill

The life sciences industry includes many fields that are primed for advancements, including reproductive health, medical devices, and medical imaging. Alivia Kaylor, senior editor of...

The Relevancy of Life Sciences for Healthcare Professionals

by Kelsey Waddill

Life sciences is a field with a wide range of influence across the healthcare industry. From biotechnology to reproductive health, this field may seem broad but it also encompasses very technical...

How to Develop a Successful Predictive Analytics Tool

by Kelsey Waddill

Tom Selva, chief medical information officer of University of Missouri Health Care, knows the power that predictive analytics have to transform the healthcare industry. Listen to the full podcast to...

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