Healthcare Strategies

How Advocate Health Keeps the Value-Based Care Momentum Going

by Jacqueline LaPointe

Value-based care adoption has hit a tipping point. More than half of all healthcare payments are tied to some level of quality or value measurement as of 2021, according to the latest data from the Health Care Payment Learning & Action...

How to Realize Health Equity in Benefits, OOP Costs for Women

by Kelsey Waddill

Health benefits are one of the under-explored contributors to healthcare gender disparities and health equity gaps. Employed women spend $15.4 billion more on healthcare than men per year out of pocket and are more likely to reach their...

Biden To Ban Medical Debt in Credit Scores, Costco Enters Virtual Care

by Kelsey Waddill

In this episode, we cover federal efforts to diminish the impact of rampant medical debt and retail initiatives to reach into the healthcare space. The Biden administration shared its plans to ban medical debts from...

How Access to Reproductive Mental Health Can Improve Maternal Health

by Kelsey Waddill

In this episode of Healthcare Strategies, Associate Editor Veronica Salib chats with Dr. Sarah Oreck, a reproductive psychiatrist and co-founder of Mavida Health about the comprehensive reproductive mental health program. The...

Ensuring People with Disabilities Fit into Health Equity Goals

by Sara Heath

When it comes to health equity for patients with physical and developmental disabilities, communication is key. The disparities affecting this population are well documented. According to the World...

How Healthcare Orgs Can Improve Their Health Equity Measures

by Kelsey Waddill

When the nonprofit behind the most popular performance measurement tool implemented health equity measures, it begged the question: how can healthcare organizations measure equity? Healthcare industry...

Enhancing Clinical Trial Diversity and Access in the US

by Alivia Kaylor

In this episode of Healthcare Strategies, Liz Beatty, co-founder and chief strategy officer at Inato, shared insights on the efforts to enhance clinical diversity and access in the United States. By...

The Path Toward a DE&I Committee at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health

by Sara Heath

It’s been three years since healthcare organizations and industry groups across the country made promises to achieve health equity. Listen to the full podcast to hear more details. And...

Exploring Pros & Cons of Direct-to-Consumer Virtual Mental Health Apps

by Anuja Vaidya

Characterized by economic and financial instability, political uncertainty, social isolation, and widespread illness and death, the COVID-19 pandemic left Americans' mental health in tatters. The...

How Female Representation Improves the Healthcare Workforce

by Veronica Salib

Women in healthcare comprise less than 35% of the C-suite healthcare workforce, a significant drop from the 75% across entry-level positions. Although female representation in healthcare is higher than...

How Analytics Tools, Third-Party Tracking Tech Pose Threats to Patient Privacy

by Jill McKeon

The transfer of sensitive data to non-HIPAA-covered entities may result in compliance complexities, data breaches, lawsuits, and threats to patient privacy. Following multiple high-profile healthcare...

How Remote Patient Monitoring Is Changing Chronic Disease Management

by Kelsey Waddill

Remote patient monitoring tools can improve chronic disease management and patient records, but healthcare stakeholders also must grapple with the accessibility and reimbursement challenges that these...

Advancing Medical Research by Addressing Funding, Trust, and Diversity

by Kyle Murphy, PhD

Medical and health research is vital to advancing evidence-based care delivery and treating existing and emerging diseases, but it faces numerous headwinds, from funding and trust in research to...

Can Healthcare Confront Primary Care Access Shortages With NPs?

by Sara Heath

Healthcare is on the precipice of having 100 million people lack access to primary care, a problem that could have catastrophic downstream impacts. But according to April Kapu, the president of the...

Increasing Workforce Diversity in Healthcare, Improving Patient Outcomes

by Alivia Kaylor

The significance of diversity in healthcare cannot be overstated, as it ensures that medical staff is representative of the communities they serve, leading to better outcomes for patients and their...

How a Rural Health System Reduces Turnover, Invests in Its Workforce

by Jacqueline LaPointe

Staff turnover is a challenge for Northern Light Health, Maine’s only integrated health system. Still, it is admittedly not as bad as it has been at other hospitals and health systems across the...

Understanding the Role of Medical Schools in Medical Workforce Diversity

by Sara Heath

The health equity push is permeating all aspects of the medical industry, with even medical schools looking at how it can improve its recruitment tactics to make for medical workforce...

How FHIR Can Support Post-Acute Care, Advance Directive Interoperability

by Hannah Nelson

While advance care planning documents are key for meeting patients' end-of-life care wishes, data siloes can prevent providers from accessing critical information when it matters most. An upcoming...

How to Reinforce, Expand the Home Healthcare Nursing Workforce

by Kelsey Waddill

As home healthcare expanded during the coronavirus pandemic, the home healthcare nursing workforce had to grow with it. As the nation emerges from the pandemic, healthcare leaders must discern how to...

Boosting Pediatric Mental Healthcare Through School-Based Telehealth

by Anuja Vaidya

To address the growing youth mental health crisis, healthcare providers are enacting various strategies to extend access to behavioral healthcare. One such strategy is partnering with schools to set up...

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