Healthcare Strategies

How to Enhance Patient Engagement for Preventive Care Services

by Kelsey Waddill

Accessing preventive care services can be essential in catching chronic diseases early, improving patient outcomes, and lowering costs. With the coronavirus pandemic restricting access to in-person...

How One Health System Customized Its Own EHR Enterprise Solution

by Kelsey Waddill

Healthcare systems and hospitals have a broad range of needs that may require a customized EHR enterprise solution, instead of a prepackaged EHR vendor solution. Jessica Cox, director of product...

Vaccine Mandate Lawsuits Center Workforce Management, Shortages

by Kelsey Waddill

Updated 2/28/22: This article has been updated to include the correct position for Jon Kammerzelt. A previous version cited Kammerzelt's position as "chair of the Health and Life Sciences...

Principles for Orienting Payers, Providers Around Health Equity

by Kelsey Waddill

What does it take to be a healthcare organization that actively orients itself around health equity and seeks to advance health equity solutions for its members and patients? Listen to the full...

How Employers Can Address Employee Social Determinants of Health

by Kelsey Waddill

Employers who leverage demographic data to address social determinants of health needs among their employees are not just doing their employees a favor, they are adopting a strategy that could reduce...

The Impact of Electronic Administrative Transactions In A Crisis

by Kelsey Waddill

A crisis or public health emergency has the potential to impact every part of the healthcare system, including administrative transactions and workflows. The coronavirus pandemic made clear the fact...

Strategies to Mitigate the Rising Tide of Self-Medication in the US

by Anuja Vaidya

The stress, anxiety, and isolation that come with living through an ongoing pandemic has taken its toll on the mental health of Americans, resulting in a dual healthcare crisis. To cope, a staggering...

Deciding Whether to Pay in a Healthcare Ransomware Attack

by Jill McKeon

As healthcare ransomware attacks continue to ramp up across the sector, many organizations will be forced to make a difficult decision: give in to ransom demands or potentially risk patient safety and...

Top Trends in Healthcare Technology, Cybersecurity in 2022

by Kelsey Waddill

This new year presents a very unique opportunity in the history of healthcare technology and cybersecurity. “The last two years, while they've certainly been tragic and very...

Expert Predictions on 2022 Consumer-Centered Healthcare Strategies

by Kelsey Waddill

Consumer-centered healthcare strategies will manifest in healthcare professionals’ interactions with consumers through improving health equity and increasing patient access to care, as well as in...

How FHIR Data Standard Implementation Enhances Interoperability

by Hannah Nelson

As healthcare organizations look to enhance their interoperability efforts and comply with ONC information blocking regulations, many stakeholders are adopting application programming interfaces (API)...

Three Key Targets for Payers During Medicare Open Enrollment

by Kelsey Waddill

Affordability, simplicity, and accessibility remain the three targets that payers aim to hit during Medicare open enrollment season, according to Christopher Ciano, president of Aetna Medicare. Listen...

The State of Population Health Strategies in Hospitals, Practices

by Kelsey Waddill

Improving predictive analytics capabilities may be key to advancing providers’ population health strategies and their ability to engage in value-based contracting, according to Emily Sokol,...

How Payers Can Overcome Provider Barriers in Value-Based Care

by Kelsey Waddill

In 2019, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) made a big change. That year, the company launched its value-based care program Blue Premier in an effort to ensure that every...

Advocate Aurora’s ACO Success Is Setting Up Value-Based Healthcare

by Jacqueline LaPointe

Accountable care organizations (ACOs) participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program had a record performance year in 2020. The ACOs saved Medicare $4.1 billion while achieving an average quality...

Policymaking May Play A Bigger Role in Health Equity Post-COVID

by Kelsey Waddill

Health equity was a key subject in healthcare prior to the coronavirus pandemic, but the events and the toll of 2020 took the conversation around improving health equity to a new level. Listen to the...

How Nurse Practitioners Can Transition into Value-Based Care

by Emily Sokol, MPH

Figuring out where to begin value-based conversations can be challenging for many providers in private practice, and nurse practitioners are no exception. The first meaningful step is education,...

Tapping Community Paramedicine to Promote Value-Based Care

by Emily Sokol, MPH

Value-based care efforts center around reducing the costs of care while improving value. To accomplish this, one organization in Central Florida is thinking outside the box by working with community...

How to Increase Provider Utilization of Remote Patient Monitoring

by Kelsey Waddill

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) took off during the coronavirus pandemic, but the industry will have to take decisive steps in order to build on that momentum, according to Eric Wicklund, senior editor...

Where Can Specialty Pediatrics Fit in Value-Based Care Conversations?

by Emily Sokol, MPH

Pediatrics is often left out of value-based care conversations, particularly specialty pediatrics. In the most recent episode of Healthcare Strategies, an Xtelligent Healthcare Media podcast, Larry...

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