Healthcare Exec Intelligence Latest News, Reports, Podcasts and Briefs for Healthcare Professionals at Hospitals, Payers, ACO and Pharma Life Sciences

FDA Approval for Eli Lilly Antibodies, HHS Issues $55M for Virtual Care


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is doling out $55 million to boost virtual care access at 29 community health centers. HHS secretary Xavier Beccara also announced that the agency had...

Care Gaps Among Seniors Remain Prevalent, Warrant Action


Senior populations are more vulnerable to severe infection from COVID-19, but they also face health risks due to delayed or foregone care during the pandemic. A Third of Seniors Experiencing Impact of...

Principles for Orienting Payers, Providers Around Health Equity


What does it take to be a healthcare organization that actively orients itself around health equity and seeks to advance health equity solutions for its members and patients? Listen to the full...

HIPAA Modernization Bill, States Dropping Coronavirus Restrictions


Legislators have been active recently, introducing two new bills to modernize healthcare. One bill seeks to modernize HIPAA and data privacy in the industry, while the other seeks to extend telehealth...

How Employers Can Address Employee Social Determinants of Health


Employers who leverage demographic data to address social determinants of health needs among their employees are not just doing their employees a favor, they are adopting a strategy that could reduce...

Becerra Outlines Health Equity Gains, Plans at HHS


The first year of the Biden Administration can be characterized by an emphasis on health equity, according to Xavier Becerra, the Secretary for the Department of Health & Human Services. And...

CVS Health to Leverage Community Reach to Expand Clinical Trial Access


A recent collaboration between CVS Health and Medable looks to make use of the former’s influence in numerous communities to spur greater participation in clinical trials among hard-to-reach...

The Impact of Electronic Administrative Transactions In A Crisis


A crisis or public health emergency has the potential to impact every part of the healthcare system, including administrative transactions and workflows. The coronavirus pandemic made clear the fact...

Congress Addresses Nurse Staffing Pricing, Florida Expands Telehealth


Last week, a bipartisan group of Congress members issued a letter to the White House urging an investigation into price gouging occurring among nurse staffing agencies. Congress also sent another...

Another Payer Launches a Remote Patient Monitoring Program


With remote patient monitoring proving to be a valuable tool for timely and effective care management, more and more payers are standing up their own RPM programs to benefit their members and...

Strategies to Mitigate the Rising Tide of Self-Medication in the US


The stress, anxiety, and isolation that come with living through an ongoing pandemic has taken its toll on the mental health of Americans, resulting in a dual healthcare crisis. To cope, a staggering...

VA Adopts Google’s API, FDA Revises Coronavirus Antibody Drug Approvals


Organizations are urging Congress to reinstate pre-deductible coverage for telehealth services in an effort to help patients. Also in the nation’s capital, the VA will implement a Google...

Healthcare Workforce Shortages to Likely Continue for Next Few Years


Healthcare talent shortages are expected to remain an ongoing challenge for healthcare organizations as a strained workforce looks for greener pastures elsewhere, barring significant changes to...

Deciding Whether to Pay in a Healthcare Ransomware Attack


As healthcare ransomware attacks continue to ramp up across the sector, many organizations will be forced to make a difficult decision: give in to ransom demands or potentially risk patient safety and...

Feds Issue Cybersecurity Advisory, Lawmakers Target Direct Contracting


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have convened to issue a cybersecurity advisory for major...

How Telephonic Remote Patient Monitoring Makes a Real Difference


Healthcare organizations are looking at a combination of technology and community partnerships to remove obstacles in the way of underserved populations from accessing and benefitting from...

Bringing Payers, Patients into the Health Data Exchange Conversation


The adoption of electronic health records and creation of health information networks have spurred greater health data exchange between providers. While plenty of work must be done to ensure providers...

Payers Cover Coronavirus Tests, Physicians Oppose Surprise Billing Act


This week, CMS announced a new rule requiring commercial insurance groups to cover the cost of coronavirus tests for their members. Insured Americans will now qualify for eight free tests per...

Overall Telehealth Use Decreases, But Telemental Care Increases


The pandemic continues to wear on the psyche, increasing stress, fatigue, and a general sense of malaise. But telehealth is removing obstacles to mental healthcare. Telehealth Use Dips Overall,...

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