Healthcare Exec Intelligence Latest News, Reports, Podcasts and Briefs for Healthcare Professionals at Hospitals, Payers, ACO and Pharma Life Sciences

How Cloud-Based Solutions Might Mitigate EMR Security Risks


Electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) are essential tools that allow the electronic storage and maintenance of patient records using in-house systems or, increasingly,...

VA EHR System Outage, California Launching Statewide HIE


Connected health technology is making inroads in the State of California as officials there prepare to release the framework for their new statewide health information exchange (HIE) database in July....

Advancing the Life Sciences: Imaging, Devices, Reproductive Health


The life sciences industry includes many fields that are primed for advancements, including reproductive health, medical devices, and medical imaging. Alivia Kaylor, senior editor of...

Second Moderna Booster Gets FDA Approval, Biden Administration Eyes ACA Fix


Moderna received FDA approval for its application to market a second round of boosters to adults 50 years and older. The fourth shot in the sequence has been shown to restore some of the immunity lost...

Not So Fast: Deadline Extended for Change-Optum Merger


With a legal battle looming with the Department of Justice and major provider associations shouting foul, Change Healthcare and UnitedHealth Group have extended the merger deadline to year's...

The Relevancy of Life Sciences for Healthcare Professionals


Life sciences is a field with a wide range of influence across the healthcare industry. From biotechnology to reproductive health, this field may seem broad but it also encompasses very technical...

New Healthcare Cybersecurity Bill, Federal Court Blocks Hospital Merger


This week a federal appeals court made the decision to block a hospital merger in Bergen County, New Jersey, that was deemed anti-competitive and would have resulted in higher prices for...

Google to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Health, Maternal Health


Google continues its push into healthcare, this time with applications of artificial intelligence to improve cardiovascular and maternal health. Google AI Efforts to Focus on Heart, Maternal...

VA EHR Project Scrutinized in New Report, Cybersecurity in the $1.5T Budget Bill


A recent report from the Office of the Investigator General detailed multiple issues that the VA experienced in a pilot test of its new EHR software. The report found critical problems with the...

Many Telehealth Providers Facing Impractical Patient Expectations


Telehealth was instrumental to the healthcare industry's response to the coronavirus pandemic, but telehealth providers are coming face to face with unrealistic patient expectations, leading to...

How to Develop a Successful Predictive Analytics Tool


Tom Selva, chief medical information officer of University of Missouri Health Care, knows the power that predictive analytics have to transform the healthcare industry. Listen to the full podcast to...

NIH Funds Machine Learning, Omnibus Bill Expands Medicare Telehealth


A new grant issued by the NIH will take advantage of EHRs and machine learning to diagnose a life-threatening circulatory disease better. In Congress, the omnibus spending package will boost access to...

Telehealth Utilization Increasing Medicaid Provider Reimbursement


Increased use of telehealth services by Medicaid beneficiaries in California is leading to positive financial outcomes for providers in the state. Tops Epic, Cerner for AI Platform...

How to Enhance Patient Engagement for Preventive Care Services


Accessing preventive care services can be essential in catching chronic diseases early, improving patient outcomes, and lowering costs. With the coronavirus pandemic restricting access to in-person...

Coronavirus Vaccination Disparities Widen, FDA Warns Against Baby Formula


In a promising move for consumers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted an application for Abrilada, a biosimilar that will compete with Humira. Elsewhere within the administration,...

Primary Care Physician Turnover Tied to Increased Healthcare Spending


The continued strain on the healthcare system is driving physicians out of practice and new findings suggest that primary care physician turnover has a large financial effect on healthcare...

How One Health System Customized Its Own EHR Enterprise Solution


Healthcare systems and hospitals have a broad range of needs that may require a customized EHR enterprise solution, instead of a prepackaged EHR vendor solution. Jessica Cox, director of product...

Black Americans Benefit from ACA, $560M in Provider Relief Funds from HHS


According to a new study, Black Americans saw an 8-percent reduction in the uninsured rate since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. This reduction reduced the total uninsured...

Vaccine Mandate Lawsuits Center Workforce Management, Shortages


Updated 2/28/22: This article has been updated to include the correct position for Jon Kammerzelt. A previous version cited Kammerzelt's position as "chair of the Health and Life Sciences...

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