Healthcare Policy News

VA May Cut Staff to Pay for EHR, FTC Sues to Block Amgen Horizon Mega Deal


In policy news this week, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) officials were denounced by a sitting congresswoman for implying that facilities would have to cut staff in order to pay for budget...

VA Renegotiates EHR Contract, New Telehealth Bill for Medicare Beneficiaries


In healthcare policy news this week, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) successfully renegotiated its EHR contract with Oracle Cerner. Meanwhile, new legislation may extend telemental health...

FDA Committee Favors OTC Opill, WHO Ends Mpox Emergency


In healthcare policy news this week, the FDA seems primed to approve over-the-counter sales of birth control pills. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) ended the mpox public health emergency...

Can Healthcare Confront Primary Care Access Shortages With NPs?


Healthcare is on the precipice of having 100 million people lack access to primary care, a problem that could have catastrophic downstream impacts. But according to April Kapu, the president of the...

Washington Passes Data Privacy Law, DEA Delays Telehealth Prescribing Limits


Policy news this week includes the DEA’s recent flip-flop on telehealth prescribing rules and a groundbreaking Washington state health data privacy law. Washington Governor Signs Health...

VA Deals with Another EHR Outage, CMS to Enforce Price Transparency Rules


This week in policy news, politicians are preparing legislation to reign in the VA EHR modernization program while CMS gears up to fine hospitals that still haven’t complied with transparency...

SCOTUS Upholds FDA Mifepristone Approval, Congress Inspects COVID-19 Relief


Policy news this week looks at the SCOTUS decision to protect abortion pills in the interim and the decision of the congressional oversight committee to investigate hospitals that may have misused...

Understanding the Role of Medical Schools in Medical Workforce Diversity


The health equity push is permeating all aspects of the medical industry, with even medical schools looking at how it can improve its recruitment tactics to make for medical workforce...

CMS Underreported Nursing Home Quality Issues, New $5B Vaccine Project


In healthcare policy news this week, an inspector general report found massive underreporting of quality issues at nursing homes by CMS. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is launching a $5 billion...

HHS Releases Cancer Moonshot Plan, VA EHRM Pause Extended


In the news this week, the ambitious Biden Administration Cancer Moonshot was detailed in a new plan released by HHS. Meanwhile, the beleaguered VA EHR project has been put on the back burner...

How to Reinforce, Expand the Home Healthcare Nursing Workforce


As home healthcare expanded during the coronavirus pandemic, the home healthcare nursing workforce had to grow with it. As the nation emerges from the pandemic, healthcare leaders must discern how to...

WHO Won’t Advise COVID-19 Boosters for Healthy Groups, Ohio Sues PBMs


Leading healthcare policy news this week, the WHO vaccine advisory group announced that it wouldn’t recommend COVID-19 boosters for low and medium-risk patients. Meanwhile, the Ohio Attorney...

CDC Warns of Deadly Fungus, CMS to Reimburse for Virtual Reality


In healthcare policy news, a warning was issued by the CDC last week about a deadly fungal infection spreading in US healthcare facilities. Meanwhile, CMS is creating a reimbursement pathway for...

House Votes to Declassify COVID-19 Origins, EPA Proposes PFAS Limits


In policy news this week, Congress is demanding to reveal the origins of COVID-19 after conflicting reports of the virus’s origins arose. Meanwhile, the EPA plans to set strict limits on certain...

VA EHR May Gain Biden Budget Boost as Congress Threatens Cuts


In the news this week, continued turmoil for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) EHR project, and the FDA released several changes to its mammography regulations that hope to improve the breast...

VA Deputy Secretary Gone Amid EHRM Row, DEA Proposes New Telemedicine Rule


In the news this week, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) took another blow to its EHR modernization (EHRM) project after the man in charge of running the campaign stepped down. Meanwhile, the DEA...

Humana’s Shift to Public Insurance, CMS Proposes Changes to DSH Program


This week, CMS proposed a rule that would update requirements for the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program following the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. And insurance giant Humana...

CMS Pauses Payment Determinations, Senators Introduce SAFER Health Act


This week CMS decided to pause all payment determinations from certified independent dispute resolution (IDR) entities following a Texas district court decision. Meanwhile, a bill recently debuted in...

TX Physicians Win No Surprises Act Court Case, PHE to End


In the news this week, HHS officials are bringing an end to the COVID-19 public health emergency, which will have wide-ranging implications for politicians and patients across the United States....

Democrats Planning VA EHR Reorganization, GoodRx Fined $1.5M by FTC


In healthcare policy news this week, a new report discovered that Democrats are preparing their answer to VA EHR modernization issues in response to a Republican proposal released recently. Meanwhile,...

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