Healthcare Consumerism News

How FHIR Data Standard Implementation Enhances Interoperability


As healthcare organizations look to enhance their interoperability efforts and comply with ONC information blocking regulations, many stakeholders are adopting application programming interfaces (API)...

Leading Retail Pharmacies Contributed to Opioid Crisis in US


Two Ohio counties successfully argued that CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart pharmacies had a part to play in fueling the opioid crisis in Trumbull and Lake Counties. Retail Pharmacies Culpable in Fueling...

Today’s Top Medical Device Security Challenges, Mitigation Strategies


Medical device security vulnerabilities can leave healthcare organizations exposed to malicious hackers and patient safety risks. Out-of-date devices, unpatched vulnerabilities, and the sheer quantity...

Rare Disease Has an Outsize Effect on Medicaid Spending, Utilization


Despite increased utilization and spending under Medicare, individuals with sickle cell disease are not seeing a reduction in mortality rates. Low-Income Areas Tied to Poor Care Access,...

Direct-to-Consumer Telehealth Platforms Lag Behind Competition


The pandemic has changed patients' use and perceptions of healthcare organizations. The question remains: Will those changes here to stay? Patients Prefer Telehealth Services from Doctors, Health...

Three Key Targets for Payers During Medicare Open Enrollment


Affordability, simplicity, and accessibility remain the three targets that payers aim to hit during Medicare open enrollment season, according to Christopher Ciano, president of Aetna Medicare. Listen...

Geisinger to Pay $18M for Alleged Medicare Billing Violations


Hello darkness, my old friend. It's time to turn the clocks back and bid an early goodnight to the sun. Geisinger Settles Allegations for Medicare Billing Violations The US Attorney’s...

Pandemic Continues to Take Toll on Provider Financial Performance


Labor expenses and declining patient volumes are having a significant impact on provider financial performance throughout 2021. Hospital Volumes Declining, Healthcare Expenses Rising Healthcare...

The Role of Provider-Sponsored Health Plans in Value-Based Care


Payers can structure their health plans and their health plan networks in a variety of ways, but the provider-sponsored plan model has played a unique role in pursuing value-based care...

Unspent Billions in Provider Relief Fund Likely to Raise Eyebrows


The revelation that nearly $27 billion remains in the Provider Relief Fund begs the question: Did the federal government do enough to help providers weather the coronavirus pandemic? Analysis Reveals...

AdventHealth, Ascension Pull the Plug on AMITA Health


Bucking the merger and acquisition trend of healthcare, AdventHealth and Ascension are calling it quits on their seven-year-old merger. AdventHealth, Ascension to Separate Seven Years...

Walmart Looks to Expand Its Healthcare Presence to Self-Funded Plans


The leading retailer continues to make in-roads in the healthcare space, now with an offering aimed at self-funded employer health plans. Walmart Partnership Takes Aim Self-Funded Employer Health...

Data Mining Reveals Potential New Alzheimer’s Treatment


A retrospective study of brain tissue samples and FDA-approved may have stumbled on an existing therapy for Alzheimer's disease. Commonly Used Pill Gives Hope for Individuals with...

Telehealth Reimbursement a Focal Point of Post-Pandemic Healthcare


As the pandemic winds down, providers and payers are set for serious conversations about telehealth reimbursement and payment parity now that the modality has shown its real potential for improving...

How Payers Can Overcome Provider Barriers in Value-Based Care


In 2019, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) made a big change. That year, the company launched its value-based care program Blue Premier in an effort to ensure that every...

Pediatric Price Transparency Information Nearly Non-Existent


While the pandemic has likely drawn the bulk of interest over the past two years, healthcare price transparency has returned to the fore and new evidence suggests hospitals are not doing their...

Advocate Aurora’s ACO Success Is Setting Up Value-Based Healthcare


Accountable care organizations (ACOs) participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program had a record performance year in 2020. The ACOs saved Medicare $4.1 billion while achieving an average quality...

Healthcare Consolidation Impacting Market Competition, Consumer Choice


Healthcare mergers and acquisitions make sense from a business perspective, but they are causing industry stakeholders and federal officials to ask questions about market competition and consumer...

Staffing Shortages Increasingly Impacting Healthcare Industry


The coming winter could prove calamitous for the healthcare industry due to a perfect storm of staffing shortages, COVID-19, and flu season. Clearly, more relief and mitigation efforts...

How Acute Home Healthcare Can Improve Senior Access to Care


The case for acute home healthcare has become increasingly clear, Amal Agarwal, DO, vice president of home solutions business development and strategy at Humana, expressed to Healthcare...

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