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Building a care team to address social determinants of health

PatientEngagementHIT As healthcare organizations prioritize social determinants of health (SDOH) work, they’re building out care teams that can support patients’ social needs. Indeed, in healthcare’s era of team-based care, there’s...

How do Medicare Advantage insurers craft population-specific health plans?

HealthPayerIntelligence As the healthcare industry strives to be more equitable, stakeholders should prioritize population health management. Population health initiatives focus on improving the health status and outcomes within a group rather than considering one...

Exploring the top 20 biopharma companies Q1 2024 market cap growths

PharmaNewsIntelligence In the midst of economic uncertainties, fluctuating interest rates, and evolving Medicare Drug Price Negotiation policies, the top 20 global biopharmaceutical companies have achieved a promising start to the year. According to a GlobalData...

Omnicell launches XT Amplify, amending pharmacy care delivery model

PharmaNewsIntelligence On April 16, 2024, Omnicell, a multinational healthcare technology company, announced the launch of XT Amplify, a multi-year innovation project that aims to optimize the current pharmacy care delivery model by enhancing the existing XT...

How to address health equity in alternative payment models

RevCycleIntelligence In the current age of healthcare, it is not enough to simply provide every patient with the same level of care. Healthcare providers and other stakeholders must actively prioritize health equity initiatives when developing care delivery...

Why Phoenix Children’s turned in-house to create and deploy RPM apps

mHealthIntelligence Keeping up with the demands of an increasingly digital healthcare landscape can be an uphill task. While some health systems turn to partnerships with digital health companies, others take over the reins of innovation and develop digital...

Exploring strategies to mitigate physician burnout

LifeSciencesIntelligence The onset and continuous impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were trying times for healthcare systems globally. Physicians and healthcare professionals were burdened with excess workloads, increased patient risks, and additional challenges,...

How Mass. hospitals move forward with intention on health equity

PatientEngagementHIT If there’s anything that sticks out to Massachusetts Hospital Association’s (MHA’s) Izzy Lopes about healthcare’s heightened emphasis on health equity in the last four years, it’s intentionality. Health equity...

Why diversifying clearinghouse, banking partners is crucial

RevCycleIntelligence Clearinghouses and banks are crucial in supporting hospitals’ financial health, enabling providers to focus on delivering high-quality patient care. However, a recent cyberattack that shut down one of the largest clearinghouses in...

Improving mammography utilization to cut breast cancer mortality

LifeSciencesIntelligence A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights the association between mammography utilization and various social determinants of health (SDOH) and health-related social needs among women in the United...

Employing telehealth to ease the hospice transition for kids with cancer

mHealthIntelligence Hospice plays a critical role in providing care and comfort to patients at the end of their life. A challenging time for patients and their loved ones, hospice care relies on coordinated efforts from various experts, including physicians,...

Discovering 6 applications of bioinformatics in drug repurposing

PharmaNewsIntelligence Northeastern University defines bioinformatics as a combination of computer programming, big data, and biology that can be applied to identify and understand sequences or patterns in healthcare. According to the National Human Genome...

Exploring 10 ethical considerations in genome editing

LifeSciencesIntelligence Genome editing has become a vital healthcare tool for modifying genetic information in living organisms. With a high and proven potential for healthcare innovation, genome editing has garnered attention from researchers, innovators, and...

What are patient decision aids in shared decision-making?

PatientEngagementHIT Healthcare professionals practicing shared decision-making with their patients may want to consider using patient decision aids (PDAs) to support that work. This is because shared decision-making relies on strong patient education and...

Evaluating the safety profile of mifepristone

PharmaNewsIntelligence Mifepristone, commonly known as the abortion pill, is a medication used primarily for medically induced abortions as well as the management of Cushing's syndrome and uterine leiomyomas. Since its approval in 2000, mifepristone has been...

Heart devices linked to injuries, deaths receive FDA’s most serious recall

PharmaNewsIntelligence In a recent announcement, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed that a pair of heart devices, the HeartMate II and HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist System (LVAS), has received the agency's most serious recall classification...

Using telehealth to provide timely mental healthcare in rural Illinois

mHealthIntelligence Various factors are driving the mental healthcare crisis in America, not least of which is the rising demand for services and the concurrent dwindling supply of mental health professionals. As a result, Americans with pressing mental...

Paving the way to a diverse medical workforce starts with med schools

PatientEngagementHIT When the medical workforce is reflective of the patients it treats, everyone wins. But getting there isn’t going to be an overnight process; instead, leaders in medical education need to start focusing on creating pathways to a career...

Exploring 3 common types of viral hepatitis: hepatitis A, B, C

LifeSciencesIntelligence New York University Langone Health defines hepatitis as an inflammation of the liver often caused by a viral infection, commonly hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. A recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there are...

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